It Is Estimated That Canadian Will Wager Some $200 Million on the NHL Playoffs This Year

Online sports betting is one of the most common types of online gambling in Canada. Indeed, many of the people that fit the Canadian mold of online gamblers, are actually really only interested in online sports book operators. However, this is still big business. How big? It is estimated that this year alone, Canadian online gamblers will wager in the region of $200 million on the NHL playoffs.

The Responsible Gaming Council has just completed a poll of online gamblers in Canada, and the results indicate that almost 20% of them will be wagering on the NHL playoffs this year, and many of these will use an online gambling site that offers a sports book service, despite this still being illegal in Canada.

With Canada being represented by a single team this year in the NHL playoffs, it is maybe not so surprising to learn that many Canadian online gamblers will be showing their support for their country by wagering on their only national representative team using an online sports book site.

The survey conducted by RGC took in answers from over a thousand Canadian online gamblers, and it is said that the survey results, using such a volume of respondents, will be accurate to within around 3%.

These results are similar to those received last year, where it was indicated that around 12% of Canadian online gamblers would be wagering on the NHL playoffs. It would be interesting to see these statistics broken down into segmented groups though, and to see one of the segments indicating the actual percentage of Canadian online gamblers who will be using an online gambling site or online sports book to place a wager, rather than visiting a real world betting office.

Something else interesting that this survey has shown, is that 8% of the people who responded to the survey feel that they know somebody who has a gambling problem. Within this 8%, it seems that younger people, in the 18 year to 34 year old ager bracket are the most likely to be afflicted by an online gambling related problem. And once again, within this bracket, the highest cause of a gambling problem is chasing losses.

So, there we have it, some interesting online gambling statistics based on the up and coming NHL playoffs, and how Canadian online gamblers will be wagering on them.

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