We Give a Quick Guide for Canadian Online Gamblers That Want To Use Neteller

A vast number of Canadian online gamblers faced a pretty nasty situation at the start of this year. Namely Skrill, the most popular payment processor for online casino use, since PayPal pulled out of the market several years ago, no longer offering its services to Canadian online gamblers. Many people were left with no clue as to which payment processor would now be best for them. Quite frankly, the only real alternative now that Skrill has pulled out of Canada, is for Canadian online gamblers to switch to using Neteller. But Neteller is a little trickier to set up and use that Skrill used to be, so we are going to explain how to get up and running with Neteller now that Skrill is no longer an option for Canadian online gamblers.

The main difference between Neteller and Skrill is the way that they authorize new accounts. Skrill lets anyone register and start using the service, but limits their transactions until they have verified the bank account, postal address etc. Neteller does things differently, and requires a new sign up to verify their identity before they can use the service.

This means that Canadian online gamblers who want to start using Neteller as a replacement for Skrill, will need to make sure they have all the documentation required to verify their identity when they start using the site, and this also means that they will not be able to instantly make a deposit to their online casino account. So be warned, and set up your Neteller account ahead of time, as it is not instant to use as Skrill used to be.

Now, another major difference in the way that Neteller works compared to Skrill, is that once you have verified your identity, there are no transaction limits. With Skrill, every different form of identity that you verified, such as bank account, credit cards and postal address, added to the monthly transaction limit, as did simply using the site over time. With Neteller, once you have managed to get passed the rather strenuous security checks and have verified your identity, you are free to use Neteller without any transaction limits, you can make as many and as large deposits to an online casino account as you like. Se overall, despite the long winded verification, Neteller is a great payment processor for Canadian online gamblers who used to use Skrill.

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